Termites and white ants are a potential
disaster for any home owner, when they
attack their movements are very hard to
control. In the last few years, termite
movement created massive problems for
the owners and authorities in charge.
This is happening world wide, in the
USA Southern states termite problem is
costing them billions each year.
In Australia due to our moderate climate
which suits termite behaviour the cost of
damage by termites is more than all the
other natural disasters combined.
Unfortunately this is growing since
the cities are expanding more towards
areas which have been a natural food
source for termites and white ants.
Forests and farmlands are now being
cut down and the natural termite food
source (trees) are now used in the
structure and framing to support the
Termite and white ants eat the timber
framing part of the buildings as their
new food source and their attacks do
not leave you with good memories as
the owner.
21st Century Steel homes and
steel frames give peace of mind
and comfort to their clients by
offering their unique steel building
systems. Steel framing protects
your home and investment.