Minimize the Risk Of Termite Damage
steel framing industry supports
the concept if regular (annual) and
competent inspection of dwellings for
signs of termite activity.
the same time, the industry supports
the implementation of sensible building
practices, including:
with the building Code of
Australia, removal from the site of roots,
tree stumps, logs and building debris
and material that contain cellulose
Adherence to AS2870 for slab-on-ground construction, including and exposed
edge for detection of termite activity
Building Surveyor After July 1995
benefits of adopting a regulatory
policy that recognizes that steel
framing alone is adequate to minimize
the risk of termite damage to structural
members are:
1- Once you have checked that
all structural members are made
from termite resistant material,
you can be sure that the building complies with the BCA.
2- It addresses OH&S concerns
about visiting sites where pesticides
are being or have been used.