The steel framing industry's common
sense position is as follows:
Steel framing is more than just a
termite resistant material - it is
impervious to termite attack.
It DOES NOT provide a food source for termites. Steel framing is resistant
to all
forms of pest attack, including borers
and fungal decay (which is many times
more common than termite damage).
Steel qualifies as a termite resistant
material under the Building Code of
Australia (BCA).
Termite resistant materials should be
the only acceptable choice for
concealed structural members in
any area where infestation is a
foreseeable occurrence.
The current BCA makes it quite
clear - Section B1.3(j)(ii) - that a
building does not require and of
the additional chemical or physical
anti-termite barriers described in
AS3660.1 if the structural members
consist of materials that are not
susceptible to termite attack.
short, the BCA provides that
if you build with a steel frame you
DO NOT have to install physical
or chemical barriers.